Communication Community Multi-disciplinary Abstract thinking

Hey! I’m Zainab - a Graphic and Digital Designer in East London.

I love to use my creative skills to express conceptual ideas and social discussions. I am a strong believer in using design to communicate, create change and to build a community - whether that’s of people, thoughts or ideas.

I love the actual creative process and the journey of immersing myself into the different stages of a design project. Whilst I often find myself thinking in abstract ways, I also enjoy using a versatile approach in my work.

I love to work with different types of people and being part of a team. My aim is to be constantly growing and learning as a designer but also as an individual.


For additional experience please request my CV.



I am exploring purpose led design through taking on the challenge of being the Graphic Designer at Minviro, a science-based software and consultancy company, aiming to help business’s reduce their raw material impact. I also open myself up to work on personal and freelance projects in my free time. My projects usually surround brand, campaign and editorial design.

Latest Project

My most recent project was with Colours of Redbridge, an Arts Council funded arts and culture programme where I created the brand identity and website for the programme, further exploring my passion for community led design.